Virginia Spiders

When someone from Virginia sends me a picture of a spider, I will list that spider here as well as the city and date it was found. As time passes, hopefully we will gather a good list of spiders and their sightings to help us see which spiders are in Virginia and which spiders are most common.

I will also use some of the pictures on this site. Possibly here on the Virginia Spider page. I will choose the pictures I use and I make no promises your picture will be used, but the better quality the picture of the spider, the better chance of it landing on the Spider Guide. So if you have a decent camera, start taking pictures and emailing them to me. Please refer to the Contact Guidelines, to get the email address as well as tips and rules to sending them.

SPIDERS FOUND in VIRGINIA and (quantity of verified sightings from pictures sent to me.)

Woodlouse Hunter (1)
Photographed by: Michelle Doerstling - Virginia