Marbled Orb Weaver - Araneus marmoreus

Araneus marmoreus – (Marbled Orb Weaver)

The Marbled Orb Weaver can have several appearances. The coloring can be a bright orange, a mixture of lighter orange and beige, Bright yellow with black, pale yellow and black, cream, to brown to even red. Usually, mixed within the patterns on its abdomen, are two swirling darker stripes that run side by side down the middle. It is almost wrong to call them stripes because of how much they swirl, and often even touch each other. These patterns give the abdomen a marbled like appearance.

Bite Info

 For bite and other information, please return to Orb Weavers

Body Length = Size not confirmed
Leg span = Size not confirmed

Spider Guide - Michigan - Louise Kotz - Linwood
Photographed by: Louise Kotz - Linwood Michigan