Contact the Spider Guide

If you would like to send me a picture of a spider, or simply describe a spider in hopes I can identify it, please read the following before getting my email address at the bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT - Please understand that there is always a chance I may use the image of the spider, your first and/or last name, and city & state (or country) you found the spider. IF there is any information you do NOT wish me to use, you must state it clearly so that I will know not to use it.

Please state the above mentioned information, if you do not mind me using it. In the very least, even if you tell me not to use it, please let me know WHERE the spider was found for my own records.


1) I know it can be hard to do when you are facing one of your greatest fears, but please try to keep calm and get as clear of an image as possible. You can send me a picture of a spider from ten feet away if you want, but the odds of me being able to identify it become slimmer and slimmer as the picture shows fewer and fewer details of the spider. Yet if that is all you can do, well, sometimes a blurry little shape in the picture is still better than nothing, and I will still give it my best effort.

2) One of the most helpful images you can send (though it can be one of the most difficult to get) is a look at the eye pattern. Many different spiders look very similar, but outside of dissection and looking at the genitalia under a microscope, the eyes are the best way to identify a spider.

3) Even if you do get a picture of the eyes, try to get a good picture of the top of the spider as well. It will show me the shape of the body, the colors, the markings, the legs and almost everything I need to see.

4) It never hurts to get a picture of its web, but this is not nearly as important as the others.

5) Last but not least, if at all possible, place something in the picture to give the viewer the ability to compare for size. I would much prefer the use of a quarter, as everyone knows the size of a quarter. If possible, the quarter with your home state on its back would be best. If you are not from the USA, still try to use a common coin from your home land.


1) Describe the main color of the spider.

2) Describe the markings on the abdomen and the colors of the markings.

3) Describe the shape of the abdomen. Is it bg and round, or oblong? Is the back end of it round or does it come to more of a point?

4) Describe the legs. Are the legs as long as the spider itself? Longer? Shorter? Are the legs one solid color or do they have colored bands on them? Are there spiny hairs on the legs? Do they just look furry? No hair?

5) If you can see it, describe the web.

NOTE - I will do my best to identify the spider for you. If I am not sure, I will let you know. In some cases I will let you know that the picture or description just isnt clear enough for me to make an identification. If I cannot help you, and I happen to find the answer later, down the road, I will try to remember to get back with you again, but I cannot guarantee I will remember.

Email your pictures as .Jpeg / .Jpg files or >bmp file attachments. Please do not copy and paste the image into the body of the email unless there is no other choice. If it is in the body of the email, I will not have the ability to see the larger original image and zoom in to see more detail.

Send images, description, and any questions to